

Between them the three components that constitute Guntrian Gallery have a lifetime of experience admiring, researching, buying and selling art. Having carved out a prestigious roster of established and emerging artists in Canada while based there, this Barcelona based gallery opening represents a new chapter both professionally and personally. Their previous gallery represented an eclectic mix of Canadian artists including: Jean Paul Riopelle, David Blackwood, Mary Pratt, Molly Lamb Bobak, Joe Fafard, Jack Shadbolt, Toni Onley amongst many others. As well as historically significant figures such as David Milne, Emily Carr and movements like The Group of Seven, internationally recognised on the art scene.

Today Guntrian Gallery epitomises continuity and reliability in what can sometimes be an opaque and volatile sector. Members of the Art Dealers Association of Canada and enthusiastic patrons of the performing arts there, for Guntrian the love of art is fundamentally about sharing something very personal. A sensibility and knowledge of art built up over a life time put at the service of local and visiting collectors together with the general viewing public.

The opening date, March 10th also has a special significance; as it marks exactly twenty eight years since the first gallery venture in Canada. Having moved half way across the globe their expertise and New World can-do attitude is made manifest with a commitment to a new art space in a new city. A life changing move made after a two week holiday turned into a decision to make the Catalan capital home.

The Guntrian Gallery project is a pure distillation of passion, spontaneity and insight backed by a solid career trajectory.